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Benazir Butho Tewas

Friday 28 December 2007

Pemimpin Oposisi dari Pakistan People Party, Benazir Bhutto tanggal 27 Desember kemarin tewas setelah tertembak di leher dan dadanya. Pihak kepolisian Pakistan menyatakan Benazir baru saja meninggalkan area kampanye sejauh 50 meter dengan mobilnya ketika tertembak. Pelakunya kemudian meledakkan diri dengan bom. Sebelumnya, Bhutto berkampanye di Rawalpindi, Pakistan, di depan ribuan pendukungnya.

Benazir Bhutto memang menjadi target bom bunuh diri dalam dua bulan terakhir. Sebelumnya pada 18 Oktober silam, ledakan bom juga mengguncang parade kepulangan Bhutto ke Karachi. Ini setelah dia diasingkan selama delapan tahun. Insiden itu menewaskan lebih dari 140 warga.

Wasif Ali Khan, anggota Pakistan People`s Party mengatakan Benazir Bhutto meninggal di Rumah Sakit Umum Rawalpindi, Kamis (27/12) pukul 18.16 waktu setempat. Adapun massa pendukung Bhutto yang marah berkumpul di depan rumah sakit. Mereka melampiaskan kemarahan dengan memecahkan pintu kaca unit gawat darurat rumah sakit tersebut. Sejumlah pendukung setia lainnya menangis sambil meneriakkan slogan-slogan mengecam Presiden Pervez Musharraf.
Tak lama kemudian, Nawaz Sharif, pemimpin oposisi Pakistan selain Bhutto, tiba di RS Rawalpindi. Di depan pendukung Bhutto, dia berjanji akan melanjutkan perjuangan wanita mantan Perdana Menteri Pakistan itu.

Benazir Bhutto meninggalkan tiga anak, yakni Bilawal, Bakhtwar, dan Aseefa. Mereka adalah buah pernikahannya dengan Asif Ali Zardari.

Ayah Benazir yaitu almarhum Zulfikar Ali Bhuto adalah juga mantan Perdana Menteri Pakistan sebelum Ziaul Haq dan tewas ditiang gantungan pada masa Ziaul Haq berkuasa dengan tuduhan melakukan kejahatan terhadap lawan politiknya. (28-12-07)

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End Year Vacation

Saturday 22 December 2007

Actually I want to go to Bali with my family in this end year vacation but unfortunately all planes there was fully booked. Bali is the most popular tourist destination in Indonesia. It is a land of soaring majestic volcanoes, of emerald rice fields clinging on hillsides and sculpted in tiers, of idyllic beaches and modern resorts. Despite overwhelming foreign influences, the Balinese have managed to reach a harmonious balance between preserving their culture, their natural environment and accommodating today’s changing world. The Hindu Bali religion pervades all aspects of Balinese society and shrines and temples dominate the landscape. Ceremonies, festivals, age-old dances and the arts are also an inseparable part of their life and culture.

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YouR HearT, YouR EmotioNs

Saturday 15 December 2007

The human heart is the seat of all human emotions. A heart that is full of evil emotions and thoughts is but a favourite place for Satan. Those hearts that are disbelieving, doubtful and mischief-mongering are, according to the Quran, hearts that have been sealed. God Almighty says in His book: `thus do we seal the hearts of transgressors' (10:75) and: `I will cause terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve' (8:12) The Quran makes many such references to the human heart. The Book of Allah proclaims numerous merits of a sound heart, a contended heart full of unbounded love and deep understanding of God and mankind, His creation. For instance the perfect Book of Allah proclaims: `Lo, it is in the remembrance of Allah that hearts can find comfort' (13:28) And Allah admonishes all Muslims that: `He united your hearts in love' (3:104) and that He: `put your hearts at rest' (3:127)Scientific research has conclusively proved that there is a vital link between the state of one's thinking and one's physical well-being. A healthy heart will undoubtedly keep a mind healthy and vice versa. A person's character is built on his thoughts, in other words, we are what we think. Allah our merciful Lord through His benevolence has given us the choice and power to govern our thoughts and thereby build a character that is worthy of praise. An immoral character grows from the seeds of immoral thoughts while a virtuous character grows from the seeds of virtuous thoughts. As mentioned earlier, the heart is where all kinds of good or bad thoughts are born. Therefore, it is imperative to cultivate a pure and clean heart. A recent article in the famous American magazine Psychology Today dated February 1989 illustrates the relationship between the heart and the soul in the following words:`Scientific medicine has made extraordinary progress against heart disease, by denying one of mankind's most romantic notions - that our emotions centre in the heart. By treating the heart as an unfeeling pump, surgeons have been able to create pacemakers and work their way up to the ultimate in high-tech medicine - the artificial heart. Even as Barney Clark and other courageous patients were using psychology and hard data to discover that trouble in the heart may come in part from sickness of the soul. Spiritual need may be the underlying crisis among people prone to heart attacks. Harvard cardiologist, Herbert Benson agrees. Dr. Benson has shown how using a repetitive prayer produces sharp reductions in heart beat and blood pressure. At the University of Maryland, psychologist, James Lynch continues to explore the psychological side of high blood pressure. Blood pressure goes up when we talk and down we listen to another person.'Different states of heart:The following quotation from the Bible creates a striking resemblance between one's mind and heart: `As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is' (Proverbs 23:7). We know there are various states of mind and likewise there are different states of heart. According to the Oxford Dictionary the heart is the seat of all emotions, soul, mind, courage, etc. When one is thankful to a person, one thanks him from the bottom of one's heart and when one is stricken with grief, it is heart-rending. If a person is courageous, we call him lion-hearted and to describe sincerity we say it is heart-felt. An unexpected piece of news or an event can break one's heart and to understand the essence of matter, is to get to the heart of the matter. When you like a person deeply beyond description, you say he is a man after my heart. Lest we forget to mention the change of heart, it is one of the rare human traits that has not been bestowed to any other creature. Some people have a change of heart too often and others have a heart made of rock.A sincere Muslim is one who examines his heart from time to time to see if this feelings towards others are tender, his motives are honest, he is loving towards others and his heart is in constant search for truth and love of God. Such a heart is an epitome of love, kindness, courage, affection, honesty, truth, sincerity and humility. Hadhrat Jesus, son of Mary, (peace be upon him), is reported to have said: `Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.' The Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), has also described the importance of a pure and sincere heart. According to the most reliable book of Hadith, al-Bukhari, he told one of his companions: `In the body there is a piece of flesh, when it is healthy, the whole body is healthy, and when it becomes unhealthy, the whole body gets unhealthy, and lo that piece is the heart.' This succinct quotation illustrates that a human heart is the fountain-head of all our emotions. If one's heart entertains pure thoughts then all of one's deeds will be upon the road to virtue, but if one's heart if full of vicious thoughts and ideas, then one is bound to follow the path of vice.Thoughts and ideas are born in a heart like seeds in a garden that soon sprout into full grown plants. Purity of heart stimulates the growth of the tree of virtue. The crux of the matter is that if one's heart is in good shape, then one's hands, feet, tongue, mind and eyes will be in good shape as well. In our day-to-day contact with others, one should always remember the following formula: `to handle yourself, use your head, to handle others use your heart.'A beating heart:How many times does a heart have to beat? At least 70 times every minute, for an average of 75 years. In round numbers, that turns out to be 100,000 times a day, or three billion times in a lifetime. Sometimes two hearts beat one, some are lonely, some half hearted and some are broken. Some are saddened, some are, like a bird, gladdened and some are worn upon your sleeve. Our daily conversation is full of wonderful references to our heart: `his heart was in his mouth', or `his heart was not in it', or `deep in the heart of Ontario', or `heart of the matter.' `Heart' is used as a symbol of love. It is said that we subconsciously remember the beat of our mother's heart from when we were in the womb. Did you know that when zoo-keepers have an orphaned baby monkey, they help its chance of survival by keeping it attached to a bundle of blankets with a mechanism that produces the `thump-thump' of a mother's heart-beat?All praise belongs to Allah!wrote by brother Zakaria Virk

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Peace and security on a Global Level

Friday 14 December 2007

This a nice topic from Friday Sermon that the Holy Qur’an addresses all nations of the world on the basis of humanity:“O mankind We have created you from male and female; and We have made you into clans and tribes that you may recognise one another. Verily, the most honourable among you, in the sight of Allah, is he who is the most righteous among you. Surely, Allah is All Knowing, All-Aware.” (49:14)This is the Islamic teaching of brotherhood. A righteous believer is enjoined to adhere to this teaching and indeed to propagate it. This alone can foster love, affection and equality. Peace and security can only be guaranteed in the world when the false and oppressive notion of supremacy for some nations is eradicated.Peace and security cannot be established until people of each race and each nation are able to ascertain that they are the children of Adam and are created by a male and female and are indeed equal. If one is better than the other, it is in terms of righteousness alone. However, whose righteousness is most excellent, only Allah knows, no one can adjudge this for themselves.Islam says that all mankind is like a family and it can only look after the peace and security of each other only if it lives like a close-knit family. The apparent differences in mankind are only for identification as to who is European who is Asian and who is African. As humans we are all the same and a person in Africa has the same sentiments as those of a person in Europe. Peace and security can only prevail when each others’ sentiments are cared for. These are the measures for durable peace and security that Islam presents, otherwise no matter how many Security Councils are formed durable peace cannot be maintained.This teaching did not just remain theoretical; the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) put it all in practice. He loved the poor and the disadvantaged, freed the slaves, assigned the deprived their rights. At his farewell sermon, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) openly declared, “All of you are equal. All men, whatever nation or tribe they belong to, and whatever station in life they may hold, are equal…….an Arab possesses no superiority over the non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab over an Arab.”

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Global Warming

Thursday 13 December 2007

Recently, peoples afraid about global warning which has made increase the average temperature on the Earths. The reason of global warming is still controversy until now.Debate concerning causes of increased global average air temperature since the mid-1800s, whether this warming trend is unprecedented or within normal climatic variations, predictions of additional warming, what the consequences are, and what actions should be taken. Individuals, corporations, and political organizations are involved, so the debate is vigorous in the popular media and on a policy level. The controversy focuses on the warming after World War II.But I think we all agree that the burning of fossil fuels and industrial pollutants and un control forest depilatory has a big contribution to this thing.

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Is God Help You?

Wednesday 12 December 2007

The time we have problems we asking when God help comes even though we feel God didn’t want to help us! But it’s that true?

This is a story about a man who believes that God will help him in every situation. Someday heavy rain made a village where he live was flood, this man standing there and pray asked God to save him. The time high water reaches his knee, his friends asked him to leave the house and go to the high place but he refuse and said “don’t worries about me, God will help me!” Rain not stopped even progressively heavily, then rescuer come with a rubber boat to evacuate him the time water reached his chest, but he refused again and told “don’t worry, God will help me!” finally his house was sink by the flood, the man went to the roof and still refused to get help from rescuer who cames with a helicopter to save him and his answer “don’t worry, God will help me!”.

Finally the water sinks him and he couldn’t swim then he died!In the heaven he protests to God “why You didn’t save me from the flood while I didn’t stop to pry asking for your help?” and God replied “I come three times to save you! First I cames with your friends to evacuate you, second I sent you a rubber boat and third I sent you a helicopter! Three times I saved you but three times you refused my help!
The moral story of this; God come and come to help us, to serve us but sometimes or even mostly we didn’t realize because God do with His ways not with our ways!

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Water for Fuel!

Wednesday 5 December 2007

Read my title to this post maybe some of you think this is a joke or I’m a liar but please believe me this is a true fact!
This noon I saw a news TV which reported about innovation a man from Sulawesi or international people known as Celebes Island, a part of the Republic of Indonesia. This man made an experiment based on his perception that in rainy season consumes fuel of his motorbike always reduced, then he though its must be caused by water! Since the time he try to make a simple experiment to his motorbike and amazing finally he succeed to add a simple appliance in his motorbike which has function to make altering water become a substance which ready to burn.
Its true he still used gasoline but the fuel in his motorbike is a mixing between gasoline and water, with comparison 1:4, where 1 part is gasoline and 4 part is water!

This time he is in the process of patent for his masterpiece.

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Life is Blessing!

This was a story about a king and his adviser. One day they were going for hunting to a jungle. They search for animal target but they found nothing and more of that the king got an accident; his finger was cut by his sword the time he cut trees around him with angry because he didn’t find the animal. After his hurt cured, the king still feel painfulness and asked to his adviser what must to do now to eliminate his painful? The adviser replied that the king couldn’t do anything except thanks to God, because whatever happened to our life there must be a blessing. Hearing the answer the king was unhappy and anger; ‘Are you crazy, man? Your king in painfulness must say grateful for that?” and in his anger the king ordered to his body guards to sent the adviser to jail, and after that soon the king promote a new adviser.

Three years after, in a jungle when the king was hunting, a primitive ethnic was arrested the king and his adviser, then the primitive make the king and the adviser as sacrifice in their ritual. Fortunately the time primitive people check his body they found one of the fingers of the king was flawed and they was think that couldn’t be as a sacrifice. Then primitive people released the king only the adviser was killed for the sacrifice.

As soon as he reached the palace, the king commanded to release the adviser from the jail and bring to face him. The king asked for apologize because was sent the adviser to jail for the advise was proven of correctness, and the king said if he understood to what the adviser was saying that whatever happened to our life there must be a blessing “You can imagine if my finger was not cut, so this day I was killed along with my adviser for sacrifice by the primitive people. Start from now your position as my adviser is back”.
The adviser said “you need no ask me apologize my Lord, I am very grateful to you was sending me to a jail for three years because if you didn’t, that’s mean the man who was killed as a sacrifice it’s me!”

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